Treatments can help you control PCOS symptoms and reduce your risk of developing long-term health issues including diabetes and heart disease. Your doctor and you should discuss your objectives in order to develop a treatment strategy. For instance, if you're trying to conceive but are having problems, your treatment would be focused on that. Your therapies will be geared towards those treatments if you choose to take other PCOS symptoms. Let's examine a few of the probable treatments
Contraceptive: Periods can be brought on regularly with the use of the contraceptive pill or with an intermittent course of progestogen pills.
Clomifene and Metformin: For women who are trying to get pregnant, clomifene is frequently the initial course of medication suggested. The monthly release of an egg( ovulation)from the ovaries is encouraged by clomifene. Metformin is used if clomifene is unable to promote ovulation. Metformin is frequently used to treat type 2 diabetes, but it can help lower blood sugar and insulin levels in PCOS-afflicted women. Metformin can offer other long-term health advantages, such as lowering high cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of heart disease, in addition to promoting ovulation, promoting regular monthly periods, and lowering the chance of miscarriage.
PCOS-related reproductive issues that do not improve with medication may be treated with a minor surgical procedure called laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD). Your doctor will create a small cut in your lower stomach while you are under general anesthesia so they can insert a laparoscope, a long, thin microscope, into your belly.The tissue that is releasing androgens (male hormones) will subsequently be surgically removed from the ovaries using heat or a laser. LOD has been shown to increase follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels while decreasing testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels (FSH). This can help to fix your hormone imbalance and get your ovaries back to working normally.
Weight loss and diet changes are also recommended for the treatment of PCOS. You will have to cut back on fatty food and eat more whole grain. Exercising regularly is also good for the management of PCOS.