When a fetus or embryo dies before the 20th week of pregnancy, it is called a miscarriage. Miscarriages account for 10 to 20 percent of all known pregnancies. However, the true figure is probably greater because a lot of miscarriages happen extremely early in pregnancy, sometimes before you even realize you're pregnant. Even while miscarriage is a very regular occurrence, it still isn't any less difficult. Understanding what can result in a miscarriage, what raises the risk, and what medical treatment might be required might help you prevent it.
Miscarriages have been linked to a number of things, including:
Anomalies in the uterus may be the cause of late miscarriages
Your risk of miscarriage may be increased by some conditions, including severe diabetes.
Miscarriage could be brought on by a severe injury or infection.
When the number of chromosomes in the fertilized egg is wrong (genes).
A miscarriage is more likely to occur if you've had more than two in a row.
It is important to know the different types of miscarriage
Missed miscarriage: You don't experience bleeding or cramping. However, an empty gestational sac or an embryoless embryo are visible on ultrasound. The tissue typically goes on its own, but you might require treatment.
Unavoidable miscarriage – Your cervix opens and you start bleeding more and more. Your pregnancy won't be able to progress if this occurs.
An incomplete miscarriage occurs when only a portion of the pregnancy tissue leaves the uterus. To get rid of the residual tissue, you might need more care.
Complete miscarriage: Your uterus leaks out all of the pregnancy tissue. Typically, you won't require any more care.
Threatened miscarriage: Although you have light cramping and vaginal bleeding, your cervix remains closed. In 50 percent of cases, the bleeding ceases and the bleeding stops 50 percent of the time, and your pregnancy proceeds normally. The other half of anticipated miscarriages actually happen, leading to the loss of the pregnancy.