I can't remember a time when I wasn't fat. I have always been big, even as a baby. The truth is, it never really affected me till I got to college. Rather than deal with the stress of college in a healthy way, I kept eating unhealthy food. At a point, it became my defense mechanism. I ate the stress way. I noticed people started to look at me in some type of way. A few months before the end of college, I was diagnosed with gastroenteritis. Shortly after, I had surgery to repair my oesophagus and stomach lining, which had started to disintegrate due to years of acid build-up caused by my diet. When I was finally discharged, it occurred to me that I almost died because of my unhealthy eating diet.
So I joined a weight loss program. With the help of a nutritionist, I became less dependent on food. I was referred to a therapist, who taught me healthy ways to tackle stress. I am healthier and happier now. When you do something that you initially saw as impossible, you tend to feel good. It's almost as if the world is yours to conquer. Aside from my health, my weight loss has positively impacted my career. I do things now with so much confidence.