Women are more likely to suffer from mental disorders and illnesses. Having a great mental health doesn't mean you have to be happy all the time. Even with a good mental health, you can experience emotions like anger, sadness, happiness, excitement, and disappointment all in a healthy way. Your mental health is essential to your overall health and life. Self-care plays a huge role and helps speed up your recovery if you have a mental illness. Here are lists of things to do to achieve a better mental health.
• EAT HEALTHY: Eating a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water can improve your energy and focus throughout the day. It is important you also limit caffeinated beverages such as soft drinks or coffee.
•KEEP A GRATITUDE AND ACHIEVEMENT JOURNAL: Have a journal where you write down at least three things you are grateful for each day. Also write down your achievements, no matter how small or insignificant you think they are. Whenever you feel down, go to the journal and read through it.
• MAKE TIME TO RELAX/GO OFF THE GRID: Go on vacations from time to time, or just go to an hotel just to unplug from the world for a while. Switch off your gadgets (that is after explaining to your loved ones). Go hiking, soak in the beauty of nature. These can help boost your immune system.
• GO FOR A WALK EVERYDAY: Long walks have a way of leaving you refreshed and unclogging your mind. Get some vitamin D while at it. Make sure to get up to 30 mins of a peaceful walk.
• GET ENOUGH SLEEP: This cannot be overemphasized. Get enough sleep . The light from your devices can make it difficult for you to fall asleep. So put aside your gadgets 30 mins before bedtime.
• DO LIGHT EXERCISE: You can practice brisk walking or even yoga, to get the heart pumping. This helps stimulate your mood and leaves you feeling refreshed.
• SET GOALS AND PRIORITIES: You won't be overwhelmed if you set your goals and create a list of priority of things you should do. Step back whenever you feel overwhelmed with work.
If you have negative thoughts about yourself, You have difficulty sleeping, you've noticed a change in your appetite, lost interest in things you used to love, you should see a doctor. You shouldn't wait till your symptoms are severe before you get help. If you have suicidal thoughts, you should call the suicide hotline. Help awaits you on the other side of the phone