We all experience anxiety occasionally. Anxiety may be a totally acceptable reaction when one is anticipating a big test or a significant shift in one's life. But for someone with an anxiety disorder, anxiety is more than just a passing concern. Your relationships, academic performance, or job performance may be impacted by severe or ongoing anxiety. Here are ways to help manage your symptoms
Caffeine is a stimulant, which might be problematic for someone who struggles with anxiety. Your body experiences the jittery effects of caffeine in a way that is comparable to being scared. This is due to the fact that coffee activates your "fight or flight" response, which has been shown in studies to exacerbate anxiety and even set off an anxiety attack.
Serotonin and other neurotransmitter levels in the brain are altered by alcohol, which can exacerbate anxiety. In fact, once the alcohol wears off, you can feel even more worried. Anxiety brought on by alcohol might persist for several hours or even the entire day after drinking.
This is an easy technique to shift your attention. Start by identifying three things you can see by taking a look around you. then take note. What three noises can you make out? Next, move three different body parts, such as your fingers, toes, or shoulders, while clenching and releasing them.
Your breathing becomes quick and shallow when you are nervous. By inducing the body's relaxation response and bringing down our pulse rate and blood pressure, deep belly breathing reduces anxiety.
Take a walk.
Exercise helps to relieve the mind of worries and stress. Long walks have a way of unclogging the mind, leaving you refreshed and relieved.